Improving Food Security for Vulnerable Families in Developing Countries (1718 BTHC)

Improving food security for families in developing countries

  • $12,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $1,150.00

    Funds Raised
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $1 Maximum amount is $50000

Debbie McBurnie

4 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

About the campaign creator

Debbie McBurnie
, Cambodia
4 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

Contact Info

Social Link

Make an impact now by improving food security for vulnerable families in developing countries

This is your opportunity to make a difference in the lives of families living in slums in developing countries who are struggling to provide food for their families.

This campaign will focus on establishing nutritional vegetable gardens at schools and in communities while also teaching valuable skills and knowledge in vegetable gardening and food nutrition.

A bit of context

The COVID-19 virus is having a huge impact across the planet, particularly in our most impoverished communities, who live from day-to-day. Many of the urban poor are migrants or refugees who rely on day-labouring to support their basic needs.

The war in Ukraine is having a global impact on food supply and price, compounding the suffering of people living in slums.

Even though these families can be supported with food distribution, donor funds are very limited, food prices are increasing and availability of food is reducing.

Our Approach

We are seeking to empower people to grow their own food simply and sustainably during this critical time. Our programs increase access to a constant supply of nutritious food. We have trusted partners in many countries who need support to quickly establish food gardens to meet the needs of those who have lost their livelihoods or cannot afford to buy food.

In urban areas, although land for food production is very scarce, even in slums, there are vacant blocks and small areas that can be used for vegetable cultivation. We tailor solutions for individual communities, to ensure they are easy to adopt right away and able to be maintained into the future.

We rent available land and set up facilities required to grow food. We provide tanks & drums for water storage and access to seeds, teaching people how to save seeds from their harvest for distribution to others.

Your donation will help us:

  • Provide garden tools, seeds & equipment needed to start a vegetable garden
  • Provide fencing
  • Provide water tanks, irrigation equipment & water
  • Help pay for land rent
  • Give financial support until the gardens start producing
  • Provide training & agricultural advice

* This appeal is an initiative of World Relief Australia  and Breaking the Hunger Cycle.

If you would like to make a recurring donation to 1718 WRA Breaking the Hunger Cycle, please use this link:


Tax Deductibility Information

Gifts $2 and over are tax deductible. To qualify for tax deductibility, gifts must be unconditional. The Trustees of the World Relief Overseas Aid Fund (ABN 96112236539) undertake to allocate your gift according to your wishes, or if that is not possible, to another similar project. Unmarked gifts will be allocated to the area of most need. Administration costs are deducted prior to disbursement. All tax deductible donations will be recorded through the issue of an annual statement at the end of the financial year.

Secure Payment Gateway: This site uses PayPal to receive credit card payments. PayPal is PCI DSS Compliant and you can view more security information at the following link: Payment information is sent encrypted to PayPal for processing.   We do not store credit card information on our website.









Provides seed for a school or community garden

2 supporters


Provides garden tools and fencing

0 supporters


Helps pay for water tanks and irrigation equipment

1 supporters


Helps provide financial support until gardens start producing

2 supporters


Helps fund a new school garden

0 supporters


Provides a complete package - water supply, tanks and irrigation equipment, seeds and tools for one community garden

0 supporters

NameDonate AmountDate
Anonymous $25.00February 19, 2024
Anonymous $25.00February 19, 2024
Anonymous $500.00June 27, 2022
Anonymous $100.00June 08, 2022
Anonymous $500.00June 06, 2022